What is the usage precautions for tinplate/ETP South Africa,Italy, Brazil, Bulgaria,

Xino Steel Group
What is the usage precautions for tinplate/ETP South Africa,Italy, Brazil, Bulgaria,
ETP is covered by soft metallic tin coatings, due precautions should be taken not to cause scratches by rough handling or vibration during transportation.

Usage Precautions for ETP

  1. As ETP is covered by soft metallic tin coatings, due precautions should be taken not to cause scratches by rough handling or vibration during transportation.

  2.  Paintability, printability, solderability, and mechanical properties of ETP tend to deteriorate as time elapses after production. Use as soon as possible after delivery.

  3. Although ETP has excellent corrosion resistance, it tends to rust in a humid atmosphere. Use as soon as possible after unpacking.

  4. Tin is dissolved by a strongly alkaline solution. When using ETP for making cans for alkaline contents, paint the internal surface.

  5.  As contents that contain sulfur cause blackening of the ETP surface, paint the internal surface.


Precauciones de uso para TFS Italia, Brasil, Sudáfrica, Colombia europea
Precauciones de uso para TFS Italia, Brasil, Sudáfrica, Colombia europea


¿Cuáles son las precauciones de uso para TFS Italia, Brasil, Sudáfrica, Europa, Colombia?

What is the usage precautions for tinplate/ETP South Africa,Italy, Brazil, Bulgaria,
What is the usage precautions for tinplate/ETP South Africa,Italy, Brazil, Bulgaria,


ETP is covered by soft metallic tin coatings, due precautions should be taken not to cause scratches by rough handling or vibration during transportation.

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